Ag Data Commons

Data from: Association mapping of resistance to tan spot in the Global Durum Panel

posted on 2024-02-15, 18:54 authored by Justin FarisJustin Faris
Phenotypic data: A total of 510 lines from the global durum panel (GDP) were evaluated for reaction to five isolates of the fungal pathogen Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. The five isolates were Pti2 (race 1), 86-124 (race 2), 331-9 (race 3), L13-192 (race 4), and DW5 (race 5). The GDP lines were inoculated in a greenhouse when plants were at the two- or three-leaf stage. Plants were grown in a randomized complete block design consisting of one replicate per experiment, and each experiment was repeated three times. Following inoculation, the plants were placed in misting chambers with 100% relative humidity at 21 °C for 24 h, and then placed in a growth chamber under a 12-h photoperiod at 21 °C. Disease reactions were scored 7 days after inoculation following the 1–5 scale where 1 was highly resistant and 5 was highly susceptible.

Seedlings of the GDP were also infiltrated with cultures containing the necrotrophic effectors (NEs) Ptr ToxA and Ptr ToxB. Approximately 20 μl of NE-containing culture filtrate (CF) was infiltrated into two plants (1 leaf per plant) in each cone using a needleless 1-ml syringe. The infiltrated area (~3 cm) was marked with permanent marker on the leaves, and the plants were placed in a growth chamber (21 °C, 12-h photoperiod) for 5 days. The reactions were scored using a 0–3 scale where 0 indicated no reaction and 3 indicated severe necrosis or chlorosis. The expansion of chlorosis beyond the boundaries of Ptr ToxB infiltration to the distal end of the leaf was scored separately using 0 or 1 meaning the absence or presence of the symptom, respectively. This trait is noted as ‘ToxB_Spread’ in the data file.

Genotypic data: The GDP lines were genotyped using the Illumina iSelect 90K SNP array. Markers were filtered using previously published genetic maps, and marker sequences were aligned to the Svevo.v1 reference genome. SNP imputation was performed, and the redundant markers were pruned based on genome wide linkage disequilibrium, which resulted in a data set with no missing SNP calls. The hapmap information of 855 genotypes and 13,373 SNPs developed by M. Maccaferri is located on the GrainGenes website ( The haplotype map of the 855 genotypes was reduced to 510 genotypes that were selected for phenotypic tests. The SNP data set was selected according to the set filtering for minor allele frequency (MAF) > 5% that resulted in a marker set containing 12,222 SNPs.


USDA-ARS: 3060-21000-520-038-000D


Data contact name

Faris, Justin

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

N 46°52′38″ W 96°47′23″

ISO Topic Category

  • biota
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

chromosome mapping; durum wheat; phenotype; fungi; pathogens; Pyrenophora tritici-repentis; greenhouses; relative humidity; growth chambers; seedlings; culture filtrates; leaves; syringes; necrosis; chlorosis; genotyping; single nucleotide polymorphism arrays; single nucleotide polymorphism; genome; linkage disequilibrium; data collection; haplotypes; gene frequency; Triticum turgidum subsp. durum; fungal diseases of plants; plant disease resistance

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 301

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Faris, Justin (2023). Data from: Association mapping of resistance to tan spot in the Global Durum Panel. Ag Data Commons.

Usage metrics


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