Ag Data Commons

Data from: Eleven years of mountain weather, snow, soil moisture and stream flow data from the rain-snow transition zone - the Johnston Draw catchment, Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed and Critical Zone Observatory, USA. v1.1

Version 3 2024-02-16, 13:17
Version 2 2024-02-16, 13:12
Version 1 2024-02-16, 13:10
posted on 2024-02-16, 13:17 authored by Sarah E. Godsey, Daniel G. Marks, Patrick R. Kormos, Mark S. Seyfried, Clarissa L. Enslin, James P. McNamara, Timothy E. Link

Detailed hydrometeorological data from the mountain rain-to-snow transition zone are present for water years 2004 through 2014. The Johnston Draw watershed (1.8 km2), ranging from 1497 – 1869 m in elevation, is a sub-watershed of the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed (RCEW) in southwestern Idaho. The dataset includes continuous hourly hydrometeorological variables across a 372 m elevation gradient, on north- and south-facing slopes, including air temperature, relative humidity and snow depth from 11 sites in the watershed. Hourly measurements of solar radiation, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and soil moisture and temperature are available at selected stations. The dataset includes hourly stream discharge measured at the watershed outlet. These data provide the scientific community with a unique dataset useful for forcing and validating models in interdisciplinary studies and will allow for better representation and understanding of the complex processes that occur in the rain-to-snow transition zone.

This version of the data set fixes errors in all data files and supersedes the earlier datasets and

See the file inventory included with this dataset for more information on individual data files.

For more information about this dataset contact: Clarissa L. Enslin: Sarah Godsey: Danny G. Marks:

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Instrumentation Information.

    File Name: Instrumentation_Information.pdf

  • Resource Title: File name conventions.

    File Name: Naming_Convention.pdf

  • Resource Title: Precipitation from weather station 124.

    File Name: precipitation_from_weather_station_124.csv

  • Resource Title: Precipitation from weather station 125.

    File Name: precipitation_from_weather_station_125.csv

  • Resource Title: Weather Data from 124.

    File Name: weather_data_124.csv

  • Resource Title: Weather Data from 124b.

    File Name: weather_data_124b.csv

  • Resource Title: Weather Data from 125.

    File Name: weather_data_125.csv

  • Resource Title: Weather Data from jdt1.

    File Name: weather_data_jdt1.csv

  • Resource Title: Weather Data from jdt2.

    File Name: weather_data_jdt2.csv

  • Resource Title: Weather Data from jdt2b.

    File Name: weather_data_jdt2b.csv

  • Resource Title: Weather Data from jdt3.

    File Name: weather_data_jdt3.csv

  • Resource Title: Weather Data from jdt3b.

    File Name: weather_data_jdt3b.csv

  • Resource Title: Weather Data from jdt4.

    File Name: weather_data_jdt4.csv

  • Resource Title: Weather Data from jdt4b.

    File Name: weather_data_jdt4b.csv

  • Resource Title: Soil Moisture and Temperature Data from 124ba.

    File Name: rc.tg_.dc_.jd-124ba_stm.csv

  • Resource Title: Weather Data from jdt5.

    File Name: weather_data_jdt5.csv

  • Resource Title: Precipitation Data - original text file uploads.

    File Name: Precipitation

  • Resource Title: Weather Data - original text file uploads.

    File Name: Weather

  • Resource Title: Soil Moisture and Temperature Data from 124bs.

    File Name: rc.tg_.dc_.jd-124bs_stm.csv

  • Resource Title: Soil Moisture and Temperature Data from jdt1 .

    File Name: rc.tg_.dc_.jd-jdt1_stm.csv

  • Resource Title: Soil Moisture and Temperature Data from jdt2.

    File Name: rc.tg_.dc_.jd-jdt2_stm.csv

  • Resource Title: Soil Moisture and Temperature Data from jdt2b.

    File Name: rc.tg_.dc_.jd-jdt2b_stm.csv

  • Resource Title: Soil Moisture and Temperature Data from jdt3.

    File Name: rc.tg_.dc_.jd-jdt3_stm.csv

  • Resource Title: Soil Moisture and Temperature Data from jdt3b.

    File Name: rc.tg_.dc_.jd-jdt3b_stm.csv

  • Resource Title: Soil Moisture and Temperature Data from jdt4.

    File Name: rc.tg_.dc_.jd-jdt4_stm.csv

  • Resource Title: Soil Moisture and Temperature Data from jdt4b.

    File Name: rc.tg_.dc_.jd-jdt4b_stm.csv

  • Resource Title: Snow depth data from all Johnston Draw Stations.

    File Name: rc.tg_.dc_.jd_sc.csv

  • Resource Title: Soil moisture, temperature and Snow depth - original text file uploads.

    File Name:

  • Resource Title: README file for Johnston Draw Data Set.

    File Name: READMEJohnston_Draw_Dataset_20180206.pdf

  • Resource Title: Precipitation from weather station 124b.

    File Name: precipitation_from_weather_station_124b.csv

  • Resource Title: File inventory.

    File Name: File_Inventory_JDCatchmentV1-1.txt




Data contact name

Enslin, Clarissa L.

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Intended use

These data provide the scientific community with a unique dataset useful for forcing and validating models in interdisciplinary studies and will allow for better representation and understanding of the complex processes that occur in the rain-to-snow transition zone.

Use limitations

Times of data gaps in the timeseries are shown in Supplemental Information.

Temporal Extent Start Date


Temporal Extent End Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

Johnston Draw subcatchment of the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in the Owyhee Mountains of southwest Idaho.

ISO Topic Category

  • climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
  • environment
  • inlandWaters

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

air temperature; hydrologic models; soil water retention; spatial data; streams; weather; snow; soil water; stream flow; United States; hydrometeorology; Idaho; data collection; altitude; relative humidity; solar radiation; wind speed; models

OMB Bureau Code

  • 005:18 - Agricultural Research Service

OMB Program Code

  • 005:040 - National Research

ARS National Program Number

  • 211

Pending citation

  • No

Related material without URL

Enslin, C. L., Godsey, S. E., Marks, D., Kormos, P. R., Seyfried, M. S., McNamara, J. P., and Link, T. E. (2016). A hydrological modeling dataset for the Johnston Draw catchment, Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho, USA, submitted to Water Resources Research, December 2015.

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Godsey, Sarah E.; Marks, Daniel G.; Kormos, Patrick R.; Seyfried, Mark S.; Enslin, Clarissa L.; McNamara, James P.; Link, Timothy E. (2016). Data from: Eleven years of mountain weather, snow, soil moisture and stream flow data from the rain-snow transition zone - the Johnston Draw catchment, Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed and Critical Zone Observatory, USA. v1.1. Ag Data Commons.