Ag Data Commons

Cephus cinctus Official Gene Set OGSv1.0 and OGSv1.1

posted on 2023-12-14, 14:20 authored by Hugh M. Robertson

The Official Gene Set cepcin_OGSv1.0 is an integration (NCBI Cephus cinctus Annotation Release 101) from NCBI's eukaryotic annotation pipeline v8.0 with manual annotations by the research community (done via the Apollo manual annotation software). QC and Merge of the dataset was performed using the GFF3toolkit software (

The Official Gene Set cepcin_OGSv1.1 is an update from Cephus cinctus Official Gene Set 1.0 (cepcin_OGSv1.0). Updates were performed to the feature metadata, including cross-references and identifiers from NCBI-derived models. Protein-coding genes predicted by NCBI on mitochondrial DNA were added, and all tRNAs and rRNAs removed (these are still available from NCBI and at the i5k Workspace).

Resources in this dataset:

  • Resource Title: Cephus cinctus Official Gene Set cepcin_OGSv1.0.

    File Name: cepcin_OGSv1.0.tar.gz

    Resource Description: The attached tar.gz archive (cepcin_OGSv1.0.tar.gz) contains the following files:

    cepcin_OGSv1.0_CDS.fa. CDS sequences of Cephus cinctus genome annotations OGSv1.0.

    cepcin_OGSv1.0_pep.fa. Amino acid sequences of Cephus cinctus genome annotations OGSv1.0.

    cepcin_OGSv1.0_trans.fa. cDNA sequences of Cephus cinctus genome annotations OGSv1.0.

    cepcin_OGSv1.0.gff. Gff3 of all gene predictions of Cephus cinctus genome annotations OGSv1.0

    cepcin_OGSv1.0_consortiumIDs.gff. Gff3 of all gene predictions of Cephus cinctus genome annotations OGSv1.0, updated to reflect consortium sequence IDs.

    cepcin_OGSv1-0_idmap.txt. A mapping file describing ID and name updates from dataset Cephus cinctus genome annotations v0.5.3.

    readme. This file briefly describes how the dataset Cephus cinctus Official Gene Set OGSv1.0 was generated.

  • Resource Title: Cephus cinctus Official Gene Set cepcin_OGSv1.1.

    File Name: cepcin_OGSv1.1.tar.gz

    Resource Description: The Official Gene Set cepcin_OGSv1.1 is an update from Cephus cinctus Official Gene Set 1.0 (cepcin_OGSv1.0), completed May 18th, 2021. Updates were performed to the feature metadata, including cross-references and identifiers from NCBI-derived models. Protein-coding genes predicted by NCBI on mitochondrial DNA were added, and all tRNAs and rRNAs removed (these are still available from NCBI and at the i5k Workspace).

    The attached tar.gz archive (cepcin_OGSv1.1.tar.gz) contains the following files:

    cepcin_OGSv1.1_cds.fa. CDS sequences of Cephus cinctus genome annotations OGSv1.1.

    cepcin_OGSv1.1_pep.fa. Amino acid sequences of Cephus cinctus genome annotations OGSv1.1.

    cepcin_OGSv1.1_trans.fa. cDNA sequences of Cephus cinctus genome annotations OGSv1.1.

    cepcin_OGSv1.1.gff. Gff3 of all gene predictions of Cephus cinctus genome annotations OGSv1.1.

    cepcin_OGSv1-1_idmap.txt. A mapping file describing ID and name updates between cepcin_OGSv1.0 and cepcin_OGSv1.1.

    readme. This file briefly describes how the dataset Cephus cinctus Official Gene Set OGSv1.1 was generated.


U.S. Department of Agriculture, AG2008-35302-188815


Data contact name

Poelchau, Monica


Ag Data Commons


  • Not specified

ISO Topic Category

  • biota

Ag Data Commons Group

  • Insects - i5K

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

Cephus cinctus; genomics; genes; prediction; sequence analysis; nucleotide sequences

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Robertson, Hugh M. (2018). Cephus cinctus Official Gene Set OGSv1.0 and OGSv1.1. Ag Data Commons.

Usage metrics



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