Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) experiment data files for bovine milk lipid extracts, standards, and blanks, in mzML format. For use with "An Open-Source R-Based Workflow for Qualitative and Quantitative Lipidomics of Bovine Milk". Chromatography used a fast (10 minute) non-aqueous reversed-phase UHPLC separation. MS analysis was performed on a ThermoScientific QExactive Orbitrap high-resolution, accurate-mass mass spectrometer operated in electrospray ionization (ESI) mode.
Resources in this dataset:
Resource Title: Bovine Milk Data acquired 06/10/21
File Name:
Resource Description: Sequence of runs containing 10 Blanks, 30 Standards (6 Levels x 5 replicates), and 48 Bovine Milk extracts, as follows: 2 Cows, 3 feeding periods, 2 days (samples) per feeding period, 4 replicates for 24 samples per cow x 2 cows. 88 runs (separate data files) altogether. All files originally in proprietary .RAW format converted to .mzML. Data obtained on ThermoScientific QExactive orbitrap high-resolution, accurate-mass mass spectrometer.
These data are for use with "An Open-Source R-Based Workflow for Qualitative and Quantitative Lipidomics of Bovine Milk". These data should be downloaded, unzipped, and their final local location noted to be referenced in the R Markdown files published separately.