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AMIS Market Database

posted on 2024-02-09, 17:45 authored by AMIS Market Database

Statistics at a Glance provides summary tables of the main data items currently covered by AMIS (Agricultural Market Information System). There are production, supply, utilization, trade and closing stocks. Users can select a country on the world map and specify their request by selecting one of the four AMIS crops: wheat, maize, rice, or soybeans. Alternatively, users can display aggregate values for total cereals and coarse grains.

Resources in this dataset:


Data contact name

AMIS Market Database

Data contact email


Agricultural Market Information System


  • Not specified

ISO Topic Category

  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

products and commodities; wheat; corn; soybeans; imports; exports; marketing year; barley; oats; rye; millets; rice; durum wheat; supply balance; private sector; farms; postharvest losses; paddies; food aid; wheat flour; semolina; humans; livestock; planting; manufacturing; starch; sweeteners; alcohols; wastes; households; crop year; whole grain foods; grain yield; harvest date; food availability; refugees

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

AMIS Market Database (2017). AMIS Market Database. Agricultural Market Information System.